Thursday, August 5, 2010

Where Does Creativity Come From?

If you've seen my recent posts, you know I am a creative person and I know that most of you are also creative people. But do we really realize what enables us to be creative? Why are we creative? The answer is that because we serve a creative God and we are made in His image, we too are able to be creative beings. Look at the world around you... everything you see was created by someone... and that someone is either man, another created being, or God. Houses are made by men. The nest on the roof of that house was made by a bird. That bird was made by God. It all comes back to the Master Creator. So I want to know...

In what ways is God creative to you? What do you see as one of the most majestic ways that God expresses His creativity?


  1. So many things! I see how creative He is with all the people He's made. Their gifts, etc. He's created them TO BE creative - ya know?

    He expresses His creativity, of course, through beauty outside. Sunsets, waters, plants/flowers. They are so complex & beautifully designed that it just blows my mind to think of it.

    I love being creative, too. It really made sense when you said the reason we are IS because we were made in His image & therefore are just like Him in that area. Thank you for that reminder!

  2. Nature is definitely one of the most wonderful expressions of His creativity! Humans too! The complexity of how our bodies work is incredible! Thank you for your thoughts, Amber!
